The first Fitbits, Apple Watches and the like were novel, but mostly useful as a fun way to boost your exercise goals and track your heart rate.

The latest generation of so-called wearables, however, can truly help provide more information around your long-term health patterns or conditions, as well as help you make lifestyle changes that really stick.

And, increasingly, these devices are FDA-approved, thanks to new initiatives by the agency to encourage and work directly with technology companies to develop health wearables that are effective and can be officially designated as medical devices.

That said, for conditions like blood pressure measurements or irregular heartbeats, you’ll still need regular monitoring by a doctor. However, a device can “still give you a better idea of what’s going on,” says Dr. Tyrone Krause, Chief of Cardio-thoracic Surgery at Jersey City Medical Center, “Even if it’s not 100% accurate.”

Perhaps the greatest appeal of wearables is that they can be worn all the time. This enables you to go about your day with constant monitoring or therapy, and without anyone being the wiser. The five below will allow you to do just that.


